Monday, October 20, 2014

I hope they call me on a mission!

October 20, 2014
This week has been really rewarding and i've learned a lot. For those of you who are familiar with missionary work you can rightly assume that I learned so much because I likely made a lot of mistakes and the week was tough.

I do make frequent mistakes, including getting drawn into confrontational bible disputes, thinking that tracting is an effective way of finding, and other fun things haha

I have actually come to accept these trials and setbacks as opportunities to learn. Many times throughout the Book of Mormon, we see a civilization, people, or other group, go through the same trial. And their are usually two groups of people that come out of it, those who humbled themselves and looked for heavenly help, and those who murmured and rejected the prophets. In every instance we see that the devil will not support his followers at the last day, while on the other hand, those who turn to God are blessed! It reminds me of a scripture in Helaman that says something like, why would you keep giving place for the enemy of your soul? haha I love that scripture so much.

When we take trials and setbacks and look at them from a positive point of view, asking heavenly father what we are supposed to learn from this trial, we grow much quicker. I know Heavenly Father is aware of each of us. At all times in our lives, in every situation, he knows. I know that as we turn to him in faith AND diligence, he will help us. Because he loves us, he will always be there, no matter what.

I heard a quote the other day that I really liked, I don't remember it perfectly so i'll just paraphrase. Regaurding your breakfast, the chicken was involved, but the pig was committed... What that means is the chicken had to lay the eggs, but the pig had to give his life in order for us to have bacon or sausage or whatever else comes from a pig. Now when we apply this random seemingly unrelated quote to ourselves, we should ask ourselves, whether this be in a church calling, or at work, or at school, as a mother, father, husband, or wife... Am I just involved, or am I committed?

The lord had truly blessed me as I have committed myself to his work. I know this principle extends far beyond missionary work, and as we truly become committed, we will understand the meaning of Malachi 4:10, when the lord promises to open up the heavens and pour out a blessing bigger than we have room to receive.

I know this letter sounds really preachy, but it's just what's been on my mind lately as i've been studying the Book of Mormon.

I know this church is true, I know the Book of Mormon is true, I know Heavenly Father knows and loves each of us.

-Elder DeFreese

1. I guess they're really proud of their prices.... Maybe i'll tell them about the Word of Wisdom....

2. Amish country on the way to Marv's house...

3. Tried to snap a picture of a really high class Amish buggy from inside a house... You can tell he's high class because he has a roof and it's all enclosed with windows...
4. Reminds me a bit of Bridger



Monday, October 13, 2014

Hey You Guys!!!!!!! (chunk)

October 13, 2014

Hey guys! Thanks for tuning in to this weeks report!

This week has been amazing. Sooo many blessings. First off, lets talk about Meet the Mormons.

Meet the Mormons is an awesome movie that will definitely touch the lives of those who see it. The end is a little heart wrenching when the mother says goodbye to her missionary son, but the whole movie is full of amazing things. If you haven't seen it, go see it. Then invite someone you know to go see it with you. Whether they be a member or a non-member, people need to see this movie.

We got two zones together in State College to watch it, The Williamsport Zone, and the Altoona Zone. There were about 70 missionaries in that little gym watching, and we absolutely loved it! This movie will open a lot of doors for us, and a lot of people will be touched by the message. Missionary work will progress faster and faster the more people know about us. So please, recommend it to everyone!

Okay second big blessing. One of our investigators accepted the invitation to be baptized! This is the first time that's happened to me! We had a lesson with her at a members house a few weeks ago and in the middle of the lesson I was prompted to invite her to be baptized, this was not my plan going in to the lesson, but when the spirit says "do it"... you do it. And i'm so glad I did. She said she would get baptized but would not set a date. So we planned to meet with her next week and talk about it and see if we could help her make that goal. She couldn't meet with us that week, it was about a week and a half until wee could see her again, this made me very nervous that something had happened to push her away. When we finally met with her, the lesson was shaky, she started telling us the same things she told us 2 months ago when we started teaching her again. She seemed like she was backtracking. The whole lesson I had a lot of things I wanted to say, but they never felt right. Neither me, nor my companion felt as if we should say anything, even when she asked us some questions, she was met with silence.. Then all of a sudden she started admitting that she did know the Book of Mormon was true, and that she knew the church was true as well. Then out of the blue she said she would agree to get baptized on December 20th!!! WOW!!

A little background on her, she has been taught by many sets of missionaries in the past, she's had a baptismal date at one point as well. So teaching her the basics is not the route to go, neither is being pushy. So when we were thinking of a date to set, I just said "December 20th!" really loud, We usually set them closer than that, and I just shouted the date that came to my head, I had no idea if it was a Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc. So we looked at the calendar and found out it was the Saturday before Christmas. And lo and behold, that's the date she agreed to!!! The spirit is amazing, he really will give you what you need to say, when you need to say it.

unfortunately i'm a little short on time this week so just remember that i love you all, that i'm thankful for your prayers, letters, e-mails, and all the support.

-Elder DeFreese

P.S. If you've never been in PA during the fall, Put that on your bucket list...


Monday, October 6, 2014


Not surprisingly General Conference was the highlight of my week! but unfortunately I have no time to write about it! I really need to get going, so i'm gonna do this letter highlights style. 
1. I went on Exchanges with Elder Packard on Tuesday. We met up with them somewhere in Altoona, and Elder Bryant packed an overnight bag. He worked with Elder Christenson in Altoona and I worked with Elder Packard in Huntingdon. On exchanges the zone leaders are checking to see how you're progressing, how well you know your area, work with members, how well you use your time, Tons of things i guess. Jordan can probably tell you more about it. Well it was awesome, I feel like i knew my area really well, and i feel like i worked hard. We had a good exchange and he gave me some very helpful tips to work even better! Also since i was in charge for that day and a half, I got to DRIVE!!!!! for the first time in forever!!! yay!! 
2. we got to have a district meeting with the president and his wife! (mission president, not USA) He and i get along great and he gave me a great confidence booster. He is a great guy and i'm lucky to serve under his direction.
3. General Conference!!!! Man i wish i had more time to type about this! I love Elder Bednar! he is totally helping me out over here, his talk is going to be used for a long time in missionary work. Also there wasn't one talk that wasn't amazing!!!! my suggestion is to read and re read all those talks. there is a wealth of information in there. A literal gold mine of life changing words from god. Read it. Then Live it. Then watch as the term, more blessings than you have room to receive them, unfolds before you.
God loves us so much he gives us commandments. the commandments is a fantastic reminder of how much god loves us. Another evidence of his love is the Apostles. They give us exactly what we need. God knows us. Christ knows how to succor his people. The Atonement works. The church is true. 
-Elder DeFreese
1. Just in case you didn't know... listerine spray and a lighter makes for a fun day...