Monday, October 20, 2014

I hope they call me on a mission!

October 20, 2014
This week has been really rewarding and i've learned a lot. For those of you who are familiar with missionary work you can rightly assume that I learned so much because I likely made a lot of mistakes and the week was tough.

I do make frequent mistakes, including getting drawn into confrontational bible disputes, thinking that tracting is an effective way of finding, and other fun things haha

I have actually come to accept these trials and setbacks as opportunities to learn. Many times throughout the Book of Mormon, we see a civilization, people, or other group, go through the same trial. And their are usually two groups of people that come out of it, those who humbled themselves and looked for heavenly help, and those who murmured and rejected the prophets. In every instance we see that the devil will not support his followers at the last day, while on the other hand, those who turn to God are blessed! It reminds me of a scripture in Helaman that says something like, why would you keep giving place for the enemy of your soul? haha I love that scripture so much.

When we take trials and setbacks and look at them from a positive point of view, asking heavenly father what we are supposed to learn from this trial, we grow much quicker. I know Heavenly Father is aware of each of us. At all times in our lives, in every situation, he knows. I know that as we turn to him in faith AND diligence, he will help us. Because he loves us, he will always be there, no matter what.

I heard a quote the other day that I really liked, I don't remember it perfectly so i'll just paraphrase. Regaurding your breakfast, the chicken was involved, but the pig was committed... What that means is the chicken had to lay the eggs, but the pig had to give his life in order for us to have bacon or sausage or whatever else comes from a pig. Now when we apply this random seemingly unrelated quote to ourselves, we should ask ourselves, whether this be in a church calling, or at work, or at school, as a mother, father, husband, or wife... Am I just involved, or am I committed?

The lord had truly blessed me as I have committed myself to his work. I know this principle extends far beyond missionary work, and as we truly become committed, we will understand the meaning of Malachi 4:10, when the lord promises to open up the heavens and pour out a blessing bigger than we have room to receive.

I know this letter sounds really preachy, but it's just what's been on my mind lately as i've been studying the Book of Mormon.

I know this church is true, I know the Book of Mormon is true, I know Heavenly Father knows and loves each of us.

-Elder DeFreese

1. I guess they're really proud of their prices.... Maybe i'll tell them about the Word of Wisdom....

2. Amish country on the way to Marv's house...

3. Tried to snap a picture of a really high class Amish buggy from inside a house... You can tell he's high class because he has a roof and it's all enclosed with windows...
4. Reminds me a bit of Bridger



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